PSA: This year’s confusing, virtual E3, condensed in a single handy site
The full trailer-sorting interface, found at's 2020 interface. [credit: ]
In recent years, the annual Electronic Entertainment Expo has left gaming fans reeling with an abundance of trailers and announcements. We usually like to help Ars readers make sense of the noisy deluge by flying to California and going hands-on with E3-timed game previews, but that obviously didn't happen this year. Without that kind of access, we too are scrambling.
Thus, on a weekend full of smaller-than-Sony game reveals, we wanted to turn your attention to, a site that has spent six years streamlining and interpreting a deluge of YouTube trailers. Right now, its 2020 landing page contains over 250 individual game trailers, and they're organized in a clean, neat way that blows away other options.
Instead of having to jump from one live-streamed archive to the next, or seek out individual game publishers, lets you scan through each revealed game in a tidy series of clickable boxes. By default, they're sorted in a reverse-chronological order of reveals, so everything shown during this weekend's events (Guerrilla Collective, PC Gamer Show, Future Games Show) appears in the order of those streams. This site doesn't go to the trouble of copying-and-pasting each game's sales pitch; instead, you'll see simple facts like expected platforms and release dates.
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