Hump!, the online porn fest that wouldn’t have happened without quarantine

Enlarge / Columnist and author Dan Savage spoke with Ars Technica about the first year that Hump!, his offline amateur-porn festival, has had an online component. (credit: The Stranger / Hump! / Aurich Lawson)
However cooped up you may feel after months of bingeing films and TV series in quarantine, it's not entirely likely that you'd look at this article's headline and say, "Yes, I need to kick my viewing habits up a notch with a curated selection of homemade porn." The people behind Hump!, the United States' best-known amateur-pornography festival, certainly didn't want things this way, either.
"One thing about Hump! is, if you couldn't get to a theater, you weren't going to see it," series curator and sex columnist Dan Savage tells me over the phone from his Seattle home. "Ever since the first Hump!, people have asked, 'Are you going to sell DVDs?' Which turned into, 'Can you watch it online?' But you can't. There are no DVDs, and you can't see it online."
Hump! was always supposed to be offline. But just like pretty much everything else this year, Savage's creation had to concede to the realities of coronavirus. And after launching a test run earlier in 2020, Hump! Greatest Hits, Volume 1 is following as a streamed-video exclusive (not VOD) over the next three weekends. And while the festival was never designed for online distribution, the silver lining is a very weird, and surprisingly eye-opening, perspective on what porn on the Internet can look like in 2020.
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