Nemesis brings alien impregnation horror to your tabletop—and it works

Enlarge / The intruders are... unpleasant. (credit: Awaken Realms)
Welcome to Ars Cardboard, our weekend look at tabletop games! Check out our complete board gaming coverage at
You’re roused early from cold sleep. The ship’s hibernatorium—and likely the remainder of the ship—is running on half power. There’s a body nearby. More accurately, there’s a body all over. For a moment, your sleep-fogged brain assumes somebody has splashed BBQ pork all over the floor and walls. Nope; that’s the crew member who was supposed to be on watch while everyone else slumbered.
Welcome to Nemesis, a board game with strong (but decidedly unofficial!) echoes of Ridley Scott’s Alien. It raised millions on Kickstarter—but is it any good?
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