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An extreme sports game with a story? FutureGrind’s developers talk cyberpunk

Yesterday, an indie extreme-sports game called FutureGrind launched on PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, and Windows. And it's about time, too. I had played the game at events like E3, PlayStation Experience, and the Game Developers Conference several times over the years, and I got addicted—to the point that, in the lead-up to any new industry show, I started to wonder, "Oh man, I wonder what's new with FutureGrind."

Now FutureGrind is here, and I'm enjoying it just as much as I expected. In it, you ride bikes on rail-based tracks and perform stunts in gameplay that draws from popular extreme sports titles like OlliOlli, SSX, and most of all Trials. But there are all sorts of unique spins (pun only sort of intended) made possible by the game's futuristic setting.

FutureGrind is hardly the only extreme sports game set in the future, but it doubles down on story more than most others do, and it uses the setting to add to game design in fresh ways.

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