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[Last Chance] Far Cry 5 For $40 In The US--Best Deal Yet

It hasn't even been on the market for two whole months yet, but you can already get the open-world shooter Far Cry 5 for $40 on PS4 or Xbox One. That's 33% off its normal price, and it's the best deal we've seen on the game so far. The promotion ends today, so read on for how to get the discounted rate.

First, head over to Newegg and add the game to your cart--you can get the PS4 version here or the Xbox One version here. Now just check out like you normally would, but add promo code EMCPUPX79 before finalizing your purchase. That knocks $20 off the normal price.

If you'd rather go for the Steelbook Gold edition, which comes with the season pass as well as some other digital goodies, it's available for $80 (down from $100) here on PS4 and here on Xbox One. For this edition, though, you have to use promo code EMCPUMX82.

And while the PC version of Far Cry 5 isn't on sale at the moment, PC gamers can get all previous Far Cry games for 60% off on Steam right now. It's unlikely you'll have to wait long for Far Cry 5 on PC to go on sale somewhere; we'll keep you posted.

As for the game itself, GameSpot gave it 9/10 in our Far Cry 5 review, saying, "Despite some brief irritations and missed opportunities with its narrative, spending time in the world of Hope County remains absolutely delightful. Far Cry 5 boasts a wonderfully harmonious flow to its adventure, with its smart changes to exploration, discovery, and progression distinctly bolstering the enjoyment of creatively engaging and experimenting with its spectacular open world."

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