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Biggest Star Wars Games To Play On PS4

Star Wars day has finally arrived. And if you're a fan of the tenured film franchise, it's likely you've got a hankering to play some Star Wars games right now. However, you might be asking yourself: "what games are available on my PS4?" There's actually a fair amount aside from the most recently released EA-developed Battlefront games.

While not every Star Wars game in this feature has held up to the test of time, it's difficult to deny the sense of nostalgia we still feel for them. After all, we all had to start somewhere, and if that starting point was the middling Star Wars: Bounty Hunter, then so be it. Nostalgia is a force that helps heal some of the worst shortcomings.

As an added bonus, many of the Star Wars games highlighted in this feature are on sale right now on the PlayStation digital store to celebrate Star Wars day. The deals last until May 8, so be sure to jump in while you have the chance.

Which Star Wars games do you love the most? Let us know in the comments below. In other news, check out the most recent TV spot trailer for the upcoming Han Solo Star Wars spin-off.

Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens

"Playing a lot of Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens won't be a chore, though, especially if you do have a younger partner to take with you on your galactic journey. These Lego games are confectionaries now, little candies that don't have a huge amount of substance but are enjoyable nonetheless. Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens doesn't really take you to a new galaxy far, far away, but it's still a pleasant journey." [read the review]

-- Randolph Ramsay, Editor-in-chief

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Star Wars Battlefront

"If nothing else, Star Wars Battlefront is an exercise in pure spectacle, laid out in all of its neon glory. I can't help but smile when the Boba Fett guns down three fighters in a row from his Slave I ship, or a snowspeeder careens past with flames trailing in its wake. The first 10 hours are packed with these moments, and it's worth playing just to watch them unfold.

But Battlefront doesn't go much deeper than its ambitious surface appeal. It front loads its best content, only to fade in quality as the hours roll by. Star Wars Battlefront's skin is beautiful, but its legs are shaking, and threaten to buckle with time." [read the review]

-- Mike Mahardy, Video Producer

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Star Wars Battlefront II

"While its main narrative feels unresolved, and the general loop of the multiplayer carries a number of issues, Battlefront II still manages to evoke that same sense of joy and excitement found in the core of what the series is all about. But as it stands, the biggest hurdle that Battlefront II will need to overcome--for its simultaneous attempts to balance progression with genuine feeling of accomplishments--is deciding on what type of game it wants to be." [read the review]

-- Alessandro Fillari, Editor

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Star Wars: Racer Revenge

"Though Racer Revenge is a lot of fun and plays great, it's simply too short. You can conceivably beat the tournament mode within two hours if you're a seasoned zero-G racing fan or within three hours if you're not. If you factor in the fact that you'll need to beat the game another five times to unlock everything, this will help matters, but it'll still be five times through the same tracks. Even with the alternate routes, racing around the same tracks can get repetitive. If Racer Revenge offered a more robust multiplayer mode, or a few extra modes in general, it could have had a lot more lasting value. As it is, Racer Revenge is good-looking game that's a whole lot of fun while it lasts, which unfortunately isn't very long at all." [read the review]

-- Trevor Rivers

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Star Wars Bounty Hunter

"Maybe it's always been this way, but now more than ever, Star Wars games can't get by just on the strength of their license--they need to be truly good games in their own right. Star Wars Bounty Hunter for the GameCube has all the basic ingredients needed for a solid third-person action game, but it falls a bit short in the execution and has enough technical weaknesses to undermine its basically good design. Serious Star Wars aficionados should nonetheless enjoy the story, and the game has enough substance and unlockable extras to make it at least worth a rental." [read the review]

-- Greg Kasavin

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Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter

"In the end, Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter is a solid game that fans of the first entry in the series should check out without giving it a second thought. While it's not the prettiest game out there, or the best-looking Star Wars game for that matter, it does offer strong control and entertaining gameplay, as well as the sound and music we've come to expect from a Star Wars game. These merits combined with the multitude of ships and missions that can be unlocked through extensive play further add to the value of the game. While plenty good can be said about Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter, the often-bland visuals, sketchy frame rate, and somewhat frustrating targeting control ultimately hold Jedi Starfighter back from being a great game." [read the review]

-- Trevor Rivers

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Super Star Wars

Super Star Wars is a remastered port of the classic, yet brutally difficult Super Nintendo game of the same name. This action side-scroller allows you to relive the events of the first film as Luke, Han, and Chewbacca, fighting through waves of hostile enemies. Not every stage in the game is 1:1 to what happened in the first film, but there's more than enough here to please Star Wars fans looking for an even more retro experience than some of the other games in this feature.

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Pinball FX3 (Every Star Wars Pinball Table)

Pinball FX 3 is a pinball simulator created by Zen Studios. It's technically free, but it offers an assortment of tables based on popular properties that you can purchase and download for play. Among its selection is a wide variety of tables based on numerous Star Wars-related films and TV series. Each pack offers two or so tables, offering you the fun of a classic pinball experience but in the comfort of your own home, and not a loud and crowded bar.

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