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Here's Why Dragon Quest 11 On Switch Is So Far Off

Dragon Quest XI is coming this year to PC and PlayStation 4, but the Switch version could be next year or beyond. In an interview from PAX East, game producer Hokuto Okamoto explained just what's happened to set the Switch version so far behind. It appears to be a case of the game needing some elbow grease to work with its engine.

"It's true that the Nintendo Switch version is under development at this moment in time," Okamoto said via translator. "Specifically with regards to the development, this game was developed on the Unreal Engine, but the version for Unreal Engine needs to be updated, I suppose, in order to support Switch. In that sense, the development is still expected to take a very long time. It's still a long ways out."

The company made clear that the Switch version is definitely coming West, albeit later than the others. He went on to explain that the team did consider holding both console versions back to release simultaneously, but ultimately decided to move ahead with the PS4 version instead.

"Of course, we did consider releasing PS4 and a Switch version around the same time if that was even a possibility, but right now the outlook for the Switch version is still unclear at this moment in time. The Japan team, they wanted to release Dragon Quest a XI and bring it overseas as soon as possible for our fans overseas, which is why they proceeded with the PS4 [and] Steam version[s] this time."

The PC and PlayStation 4 versions of Dragon Quest XI have been slated for September 4. But that news was accompanied by mixed bad news for Nintendo fans. The Switch version was delayed for at-the-time unexplained technical reasons, while the 3DS version was said to be not coming to the West at all. In the case of the latter, it appears more due to market considerations, as the statement cited business strategy.

The PC and PlayStation 4 versions will include some changes from the Japanese game released last year. It will include English voiceover, an overhauled menu and UI, a dash function, a harder Draconian Quest mode, and a first-person camera mode.

from GameSpot

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