Did You Catch The Very Obvious Rampage Easter Egg?
Have you had the chance to see Rampage yet? Dwayne Johnson's new video game adaptation--though certainly not his first--is in theaters and performing well at the box office, taking in nearly $150 million worldwide during its opening weekend.
A large portion of that is certainly due to the simple idea of Johnson being best friends with a massive ape named George. Who doesn't want to see that? As GameSpot's Rampage review summed up, it's a big, dumb, and fun action movie--the perfect teaser of what's to come from the summer movie season. Did you happen to spot one of the most ham-fisted Easter eggs of all time, though?
So many films based on previous franchises drop in nods and tributes to the iterations that came before them, and Rampage is no different. However, its ode to the arcade game that started it all practically beats you over the head with the Easter egg that has absolutely no subtlety.
As the film's villains Claire Wyden (Malin Akerman) and her dumb-as-rocks sibling Brett Wyden (Jake Lacy) discuss the nerve agent they've developed to turn animals into weapons--called Project Rampage--a Rampage arcade cabinet can clearly be seen in the background. To be clear, while discussing Project Rampage in the head office of a high tech gene manipulation company, a Rampage arcade game just happens to be sitting in the background.
What's more, that's not the only time viewers see the game. Every single scene in the office, most of which is the siblings bickering about how to avoid responsibility for unleashing mutated animals on the world, the camera manages to find the Rampage cabinet.
While it was always practically guaranteed that the Rampage video game would pop up somewhere in the movie, it's surprising that they'd go with something so obvious. Then again, Rampage is very honest about what it is: big, dumb, and fun. It's the kind of movie you go just to enjoy, not necessarily to look for a deeper meaning. So perhaps this is the perfect way to integrate the game into it. After all, it was impossible to miss that big light-up box sitting in the background for so much of the movie--especially when the two evil masterminds, or one mastermind and her idiot brother, constantly talk about Project Rampage.
from GameSpot https://ift.tt/2HBFrFv