Avengers: Infinity War Was "One Of The Most Complicated Movies Ever" To Make, Say Directors
Avengers: Infinity War is the culmination of years of setup across multiple Marvel Cinematic Universe flicks and will bring together the most iconic heroes from the last 10 years of movies to face one, all-powerful evil. Naturally, the process of making the movie has been complicated, and during a Q&A at a fan event, directors Joe and Anthony Russo discussed some of the challenges they faced.
"Certainly, this is one of the most complicated movies ever made in many ways," said Anthony Russo. "I think all of us appreciate what a special and unique opportunity this was. No one has ever seen a film like this. No one has ever seen this number of loved characters in a single film with this caliber of cast. And that's really what drove all of us.
"I think everybody brought their best collaborative energy to the project. Everybody sacrificed hard for the project. It's not only important to us, but it's important to the audiences and everybody rose to the cause."
Anthony Russo went on to say that, since the characters are being pulled from movies that have different tones, he and his brother relied on the actors to bring authenticity to the way each hero interacts with another.
"Being able to pull from characters that have such a wide variety of tones and films that have a wide variety of tones, and figuring out how they live in the same space together, [along with] what happens when you push them together--that's why this film was such an intense collaborative process," he explained.
"It's why we had to rely so much upon the actors in terms of what their instincts were, what their sensibilities were, how would they behave when they met each other for the first time even though they were coming from places that were so different on a narrative and tonal level. It was a complex process but I think that when it's all mixed together it makes for a pretty wonderful thing."
Asked what they want the audience to feel after they've seen Avengers: Infinity War, Joe Russo said he wanted them come away with "a complex array of emotions."
He continued: "It's certainly going to be a lot of fun when you put all these characters together, but the theme of the movie is, 'What it costs to be a hero in a complicated world' and, 'Does the value of doing what's right outweigh the cost?' I think there's an important message in the film and it's important to the world today. I think it's going to be a really interesting ride for everyone.
During the Avengers: Infinity War fan event attendees were given an opportunity to see 20 minutes of the movie ahead of its release. Additionally, numerous members of the cast appeared to discuss the movie in a Q&A session. Along with the Russo brothers, Benedict Cumberbatch (Doctor Strange), Tom Hiddleston (Loki), Paul Bettany (Vision), Letitia Wright (Shuri), Sebastian Stan (Bucky 'Winter Solider' Barnes), Tom Holland (Spider-Man), and Elizabeth Olsen (Scarlet Witch).
Avengers: Infinity War hits theaters on April 27, so you've still got a few weeks to catch up on all things Marvel to prepare. If the sheer number of characters involved in the film is a bit overwhelming, be sure to check out our recap of the Marvel Cinematic Universe here. You can also read our coverage of the locations of the Infinity Stones to which Avengers we're expecting to die.
from GameSpot https://ift.tt/2EtQ4qX