Xbox One Weekly News Roundup: Microtransaction Mistakes, DLC Delays, And More
This week's Xbox One news is a doozy. As always, there's plenty of news on your favorite games, but a lot went down for the system as well.
Mike Ybarra talked mouse and keyboard support, and there are some pretty good deals on the Xbox One S and X systems right now. You won't have to just watch let's plays anymore; if you're on Xbox One's Mixer, you'll soon be able to buy games directly from streamers. Fable Fortune is now out on Xbox One and PC in its full glory. You'll have to wait a bit longer on Assassin's Creed Origins' next DLC pack, The Curse of the Pharaohs, as it was just delayed. EA is fixing a listing mistake with its forthcoming Burnout Paradise remaster stating it will not have microtransactions. March's Games with Gold titles have been revealed, and there are also three more backwards compatible titles available for Xbox One right now.
Forthcoming Releases
First Onrush PS4 And Xbox One Trailer Is A Motorstorm Fan's Dream
Burnout Paradise Remastered Microtransaction Listing Is A Mistake, Says EA
System Shock: Remastered Delayed, Developer “On Hiatus"
Turok And Turok 2 Remasters Coming To Xbox One
Updates and DLC
Fable Collectible Card Game Available For Free Now On Xbox One And PC
New Battlefield 1 Update Is Out As Apocalypse DLC Launches For Some
New Fortnite Season 3 Update Is Out; Here's The Patch Notes
The Assassin's Creed Origins DLC Where You Fight Giant Scorpions Has Been Delayed
New Xbox One X and S Deals Available Now
Xbox Live
Free Xbox One Games With Gold For March Revealed
Three New Xbox One Backwards Compatible Games Now Available
Xbox One Game Sale: Xbox Deals With Gold From Now Until Feb. 27
Top 20 Best-Selling Games In The US For January 2018
After Twitch, Microsoft's Mixer To Let You Buy Games Directly From Streamers
Microsoft Talks Xbox One Keyboard And Mouse Support, Addresses Concerns
from GameSpot