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Star Trek: Discovery: All The Easter Eggs So Far

Star Trek: Discovery: All The Easter Eggs So Far

While Star Trek found a new lease of life on the big screen in 2009, it had been more than a decade since the last TV show in the long-running sci-fi franchise when Star Trek: Discovery premiered last September. The show's producers faced the difficult task of making a show that appealed to modern audiences and new fans, as well as satisfying die-hard, long-term Trek devotees.

But while Discovery has taken the story and characters in some surprising directions, it's also very aware of its past. Every episode to date has contained at least one reference or call-back to something from the grand 52-year history of Star Trek. Sometimes these are sly jokes that only the most dedicated fan will spot, and sometimes they are crucial plot-points. So here's a look at all the Discovery Easter Eggs so far…

1. Klingon Houses (Episode 1)

A number of Klingon Houses from previous Star Trek shows are mentioned in Episode 1, including House D'Ghor (from the Deep Space Nine episode 'The House of Quark') and House Mo'Kai (Voyager's 'The Killing Game').

2. Vulcan Learning Center (Episode 1)

There are a number of flashbacks across the first two episodes to Burnham's time at the Vulcan Learning Center, which also featured in the 2009 movie Star Trek.

3. Bat'leth (Episode 1)

When Burnham encounters the Klingon warrior in deep space, he is holding a bladed weapon known as a Bat'leth, which Worf often wielded in The Next Generation.

4. Starfleet General Order 1 (Episode 2)

There is a reference to "Starfleet General Order 1", more commonly known as the Prime Directive, which prohibits interference with the internal development of alien civilizations.

5. Federation Ships (Episode 2)

A host of Federation ships arrive to help in the standoff with the Klingons. Many of them are named after elements of Star Trek canon, such as USS Nebula (from the video game Star Trek: Armada II), USS T'Plana-Hath (a Vulcan ship in Star Trek: First Contact), USS Yeager (ships in both Deep Space Nine and First Contact), and USS Clarke, which featured in the Star Trek novel The Wounded Sky.

6. Georgiou's office (Episode 2)

Captain Georgiou's office on the Shenzou contains a couple of Easter Eggs. There's a bottle of wine from Chateau Picard, which is presumably owned by the family of Next Generation's Jean-Luc Picard. And the titles of the books on the shelf are all taken from episodes of the original series, including "Mirror, Mirror," "The Deadly Years," "The City on the Edge of Forever," "The Omega Glory," and "Whom Gods Destroy."

7. Tellun (Episode 3)

Burnham and the other criminals are being transferred to the Tellun system, which appeared in original series episode 'Elaan of Troyius.'

8. Suus Mahna (Episode 3)

Burnham is forced to defend herself against the criminals using Suus Mahna, the Vulcan martial art also practised by T'Pol in Enterprise.

9. Tribble! (Episode 3)

There's a tribble sitting on Captain Lorca's desk. This furry creature appeared in the classic original series episode 'The Trouble with Tribbles.'

10. Zee-Magnees Prize (Episode 3)

Straal speculates that he and Stamets will win a Zee-Magnees Prize for their research into the mycelial network. This prize was also awarded to Dr. Daystrom for his development of Duotronics in the original series episode 'The Ultimate Computer.'

11. Lorca's secret chamber (Episode 3)

Lorca keeps a variety of alien species in his secret laboratory, including the skeleton of a Gorn, which featured in the original series, as well as a mirror universe episode of Enterprise. There's also the bodies of Cardassian voles, which once caused an infestation on an episode of Deep Space Nine.

12. Spore Visions (Episode 3)

When Lorca exposes Burnham to spores to demonstrate their power to move around the galaxy, she experiences a series of visions. Among the familiar locations are Romulus, the moons of Andoria, Starbase 11, Janus VI, and a Preserver Obilisk, all of which featured in the original series.

13. Corvan II (Episode 4)

Much of Episode 4's plot revolves around the planet Corvan II, which was first mentioned in the Next Generation episode 'New Ground.'

14. Zefram Cochrane (Episode 4)

To inspire Stamets to work harder on developing the spore drive, Lorca mentions three pioneers. Two are real (Wright Brothers and Elon Musk) , but one-- Zefram Cochrane--was the man who first encountered Vulcans in the movie Star Trek: First Contact.

15. Harry Mudd (Episode 5)

Episode 5's big Easter Egg is the return of a fan favourite--Harry Mudd. This intergalactic scoundrel and conman first appeared in the original series, played by Roger C. Carmel. In Discovery, Office star Rainn Wilson takes on the role.

16. Benzar (Episode 5)

Lorca lists the Discovery's accomplishments during a briefing, including breaking Klingon supply lines at Benzar. This planet was mentioned in both Deep Space Nine and Next Generation, the latter of which also featured a Benzite character called Mordock.

17. Rura Penthe (Episode 5)

While trying to locate the captured Lorca, the Discovery crew narrow his possible location to three planets. One of these is Rura Penthe, a penal colony on which Kirk and McCoy found themselves in Star Trek V: The Undiscovered Country.

18. Captains (Episode 5)

Saru requests a list of Starfleet's most decorated captains, all of whom have appeared or been referenced in previous shows. There's Robert April (The Animated Series), Jonathan Archer (Enterprise), Matthew Decker (the original series), Philippa Georgiou (Discovery), and Christopher Pike (the original series).

19. Daystrom Institute (Episode 5)

Tilly mentions the Daystrom Institute, a Starfleet science institute mentioned in an original series episode titled 'The Ultimate Computer.'

20. Zaldan (Episode 5)

Stamets compares the DNA of the Tardigrade to that of a Zaldan. These web-handed humanoid aliens appeared in the Next Generation episode 'Coming of Age.'

21. Enterprise! (Episode 6)

Star Trek's most famous ship is mentioned by Burnham as she tells Tilly about the steps to becoming an officer.

22. Grazer (Episode 6)

Tyler tells Lorca that his mother died while travelling to the moons of Grazer. Although Grazer has never been mentioned in a Star Trek movie or show, it does feature in the Deep Space Nine novel 'Articles of Confederation.'

23. Star Map (Episode 7)

The star map in Episode 7 is packed with interplanetary locations mentioned elsewhere in the franchise. There's Rura Penthe (Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country and Voyager), Beta Thoridor, Mempa, H'atoria, the Hromi Cluster, Ramatis III, Starbase 24, Khitomer (The Next Generation), and Narendra III, Paulson Nebula, Starbase 343, and Xaratine (Enterprise).

24. “Adieu mon capitaine!” (Episode 7)

At one point Harry Mudd yells the line made famous by Picard's omnipotent nemesis Q in The Next Generation.

25. Stella Mudd (Episode 7)

Harry Mudd's wife Stella appears at the end of Episode 7. By the original series, Stella has left Mudd, leading him to construct an older android version to keep him company. But in Discovery, she's a much younger woman, who stills has affection for her troublesome husband.

26. "The needs of the many" (Episode 8)

In Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, Spock delivers one of the most famous lines in the whole franchise: "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few." This quote forms the basis of a discussion between Tyler and Burnham about what their lives hold for them once the war is over.

27. Legion of Honor (Episode 9)

Lorca is offered the Legion of Honor by Starfleet for destroying the Klingon Sarcophagus ship and saving Pahvo. This was previously awarded to Dr. McCoy in the original series and Data in Next Generation.

28. The Mirror Universe (Episode 10)

The second half of Season 1 kicks off with a classic Star Trek concept--the mirror universe. This alternative reality first appeared in the original series, and subsequently featured in five episodes of Deep Space Nine and a two-part episode of Enterprise.

"Isik for your thoughts?” (Episode 10)

Burnham asks Tyler how he is, using this Vulcan proverb. An Isik is part of Vlugtan currency, first mentioned in Deep Space Nine episode "Rivals."

30. USS Defiant (Episode 10)

This classic Star Trek ship featured in both Deep Space Nine and First Contact. In Discovery it is revealed that it has also passed through to the mirror universe and holds the key to the Discovery's return to prime.

31. Lorca the Scot (Episode 10)

In order to disguise his voice, Lorca adopts an amusing Scottish accent, very similar to that of a certain Mr Scott, chief engineer from the original series.

32. Agonizer Booth (Episode 10)

The Terran torture booth has previously appeared in two mirror universe episodes--the original series' 'Mirror, Mirror' and Enterprise's 'In a Mirror, Darkly.'

33. Vulcan Beard (Episode 11)

When Burnham and Tyler encounter the mirror universe Sarek, he is sporting a little goatee beard--much as mirror Spock did in the original series.

34. Andorians and Tellarites (Episode 11)

There are a couple of classic Star Trek aliens sitting with mirror universe Voq around the table of rebellion leaders. Both Andorians and Tellarites have featured in episodes of the original series and of Enterprise.

35. Defiant Data (Episode 12)

Burnham and Lorca look over Saru's decryption of the data taken from the Defiant in an attempt to learn how that ship crossed into the mirror universe. While much of the text is redacted (and tiny!), close examination reveals that it is essentially a synopsis of the plot of the two-part Enterprise episode 'In a Mirror Darkly' from 2005.

36. No-Win Scenario (Episode 13)

When Saru gives his speech to the crew of the Discovery about the chances of survival in the upcoming fight against the Terrans, he uses the phrase "no-win scenario." This is the central concept behind the Kobayashi Maru, the famous training exercise featured in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan and the 2009 reboot movie.

37. Ion Storm Malfunction (Episode 13)

Lorca reveals that he first entered the prime universe via a transporter malfunction in an ion storm. These magnetic space storms have occurred throughout Star Trek, but more specifically it was an identical transporter problem that first sent the crew of the Enterprise into the mirror universe in the classic original series episode 'Mirror Mirror.'

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