Shadow Of The Colossus: We Defeat The First 5 Bosses On PS4
It's been almost 13 years since we first played Shadow of the Colossus on PlayStation 2. At the time, it was known as a masterpiece, lauded for its mysterious, lonely world, gorgeous visual direction, and of course, its 16 massive bosses. With the impending Bluepoint remake (of Team Ico's game) on PS4, we dive into the first five battles of the sweeping epic.
In the archived livestream above, you can watch Mike Mahardy relive (and revise) his nostalgia for the original game, while Erick Tay experiences much of it for the first time. They also try some of the remake's visual filters, HUD options, and control settings.
For more from the GS team, you can catch livestreams every day at 11 a.m. here on GameSpot, Twitch, and YouTube.
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