Jedi: Fallen Order hands-on: Finally, a solid EA Star Wars game—is that enough?
Cal and BD-1 scope out upcoming danger. [credit: EA / Respawn ]
LOS ANGELES—How much is a solid single-player Star Wars adventure game from EA worth in 2019?
That answer might have been different six years ago, when EA's brand-new investment in the Star Wars universe had everyone wondering how epic its games would turn out. Since then, one huge project sputtered, then was outright canceled, while two Star Wars Battlefront reboots ranged from so-so to alarming.
Hence, at this point, you may breathe a sigh of relief to learn that this November's Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order not only exists but feels quite good, based on my hands-on gameplay session at last week's E3. Or you may yawn while wondering where the heck your Knights of the Old Republic-caliber Star Wars adventure is. After my tests, I think both of those responses are valid.
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