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Fortnite Week 7 Challenges: Gnomes, Retail Row Treasure Map Location

Epic Games has launched the next set of weekly challenges in Fortnite: Battle Royale. Following the release of a new content update, players on mobile, PC, PS4, and Xbox One who own the Season 3 Battle Pass can now tackle Week 7's challenges. These involve the usual mixture of tricky objectives and those that will simply take some playtime and luck to complete.

Nothing this week deals with the newly added Vending Machines. In terms of the more straightforward challenges, you'll need to head to Lonely Lodge to search a total of seven chests. You'll also want to hang onto any shotguns you come across, as another challenge has you deal a total of 1,000 damage with them. Two of this week's "Hard" challenges also require some specific circumstance: one asks you to get three eliminations using a suppressed weapon, while another tasks you with eliminating three enemies in the vicinity of Shifty Shafts. All of the aforementioned objectives can be completed across a series of matches, so feel free to slowly whittle away at them.

One objective that is more challenging asks you to search a chest, ammo box, and supply drop in a single match. For the former two, you'll want to head indoors and check out attics in particular. As for the supply drop--the special chests that are periodically dropped onto the map--you'll need to keep an eye out for when one comes in. There's a specific sound effect that plays when one is dropped. Battles often ensue around supply drops due to their desirable contents, and that's only likely to be intensified because of this challenge. As such, this is one you may want to consider waiting some time to complete.

The remaining two challenges are the trickiest of the week without any help. One is deemed a Hard objective and asks you to follow the treasure map in Retail Row. As always with these treasure maps, you don't actually have to find the map--you can simply go right to where they would direct you, which in this case is in the hedge maze in Wailing Woods.

Your other more involved challenges asks you to search the Hidden Gnome in different named locations around the map. You'll have to inspect a total of seven, although there are quite a few more than that on the map. Every named location is home to one, and you can tell you're closing in on it when you hear its laughter. We'll have a video guide to help you find these soon.

As with all weekly challenges, you have the full season--through the end of April--to complete these. That means it's not too late to purchase the Battle Pass and go back to take on all of the Season 3 challenges so far. Doing so allows you to rank up the Battle Pass more quickly, which in turn allows you to get your hands on its many rewards.

Fortnite Week 7 Challenges

  • Search Chests in Lonely Lodge (7) -- 5 Battle Stars
  • Deal damage with Shotguns to opponents (1,000) -- 5 Battle Stars
  • Search a Chest, Ammo Box, & Supply Drop in a single match -- 5 Battle Stars
  • Search the Hidden Gnome in different Named Locations (7) -- 5 Battle Stars
  • Hard: Follow the treasure map found in Retail Row -- 10 Battle Stars
  • Hard: Suppressed Weapon eliminations (3) -- 10 Battle Stars
  • Hard: Eliminate opponents in Shifty Shafts (3) -- 10 Battle Stars

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